KFC, ESM combine to introduce ‘Summer Showdown’ Table Tennis tournament

The stakes have been raised in the table tennis fraternity with the introduction of a new KFC-powered tournament that will bring an international flair to local competitions.
The KFC Table Tennis Summer Showdown is set to get underway in a little over two weeks, and promises to change the game for the sport locally, with a collective prize purse of $1.1 million.
The brainchild of Guyanese Olympian Chelsea Edghill, the tournament is set to mirror the execution and organisation of the Caribbean Championships but for local players.

Olympian Chelsea Edghill

Speaking at the launch on Friday at the Guyana Olympic Association’s Liliendaal, Greater Georgetown headquarters, Edghill shared one of the driving factors that led her to organise the tournament.
“As an athlete and competing abroad, I often marvelled at the type of events that were hosted locally in those regions. I wondered why the effort was so great for something that was local. The answer was to have athletes be comfortable to compete at the highest levels when they’re abroad. My hope today, by hosting and launching this event, is to have athletes in Guyana be comfortable in competing internationally,” Edghill expressed.
Meanwhile, KFC’s Marketing Director, Sadia Strand was on hand to articulate the fast-food giant’s support of the upcoming event.
Strand related, “What you can expect from this tournament is that yes, KFC we stand behind it 100 per cent, we’re very excited. But it is going to be of an international, excellent calibre. So, don’t miss the opportunity to sign up, register as soon as you can. We’re excited to be a part of it and we’re looking forward to supporting Chelsea’s and her team’s endeavours going forward with ESM.”
The Summer Showdown’s junior competition will run from July 5 to 7, while the senior competition will be contested July 13-14.
With registration now open, interested players can sign up at www.edgesmgy.com.