Kingston Secondary School student stabbed

A Fourth Form student of Kingston Secondary School was on Wednesday stabbed to his abdomen by another student following a scuffle.

According to the 17-year-old who spoke to Guyana Times, there had been an exchange of words between himself and a 15-year-old student on Monday. However, he related, on Wednesday the 15-year-old confronted him, and the duo fought.

“He point up he hand in meh face, and I lash it away and then we start fight. Choke up and thing,” the teen explained. Student

He further related that students and teachers eventually separated them, but as the teachers pulled him away, the other student managed to get hold of a pair of scissors and swiftly dealt him a stab to the left side of his abdomen.

The Fourth Form student said that his opponent then ran downstairs into the schoolyard, grabbed a bottle, broke it and attempted to attack him further. However, the young man said that this time, he armed himself with a piece of wood, while the teacher who was holding on to him ran away.

The 15-year-old, in the company of his friends, reportedly ran out of the school compound.

The 17-year-old said that he only became aware that he was injured when his teachers started shouting at the sight of blood oozing from his side.

He was then rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital, and his mother was informed of the incident.

This publication understands that the teen received one stitch and two x-rays were conducted.

The matter was reported and was under investigation.