In an era when we’re being threatened by a demented dictator to the west, who’s hell bent on seizing two-thirds of our country – not to mention the pipsqueak neighbour to our east who covets our 6000-sq-mile New River Triangle (more than Jamaica and Barbados combined!) – it’s time we know who’re the friends that we can count on when the chips are down. And the chips are coming down, baby; it’s just a matter of time.
Mad Maduro figures that with Trump again in the White House, the bronze wonder’s gonna go beyond sanctions this time. After all, sanctions didn’t work the first go around – and Trump can’t resist those 300 billion barrels of oil sloshing around under Venezuelan soil; it’ll be a “beautiful” feather in his cap!! Because Trump’s cocky enough, due to his outrageous narcissism, to send his Southern Command troops to take out Mad Maduro, the madman’s deathly afraid HIS military would turn against him and kick his butt out.
So, what’s he to do?? He incrementally whips up hysteria that Venezuela wuz robbed of its Essequibo patrimony by the Brits back in the day, and we’ve refused to roll over and play dead, so he can just walk in. From the days when they created Venezuela under Simon Bolivar, the army’s been fiercely patriotic, and pressing their Guyana button makes them incensed. So, we can expect regular episodes of the rhetoric from Mad Maduro – and one day SOON, some random army unit from Bolivar state that borders our Essequibo might launch an armed attack. Those units work hand in glove with the criminal Syndicato gangs that have been behind that attack on our soldiers.
That such an attack might trigger an armed response from the Trump Administration is a risk a unit from Caracas would so far be willing to take, since they figure they can wage an effective war of attrition in the jungle terrain. And this brings us back to the issue raised by your Eyewitness, for us to know our friends. Brazil would certainly be in our corner, since they’ve done so consistently; and that’s a biggie – since they have enough firepower to be an effective backstop until the Yanks roll in.
We’ve been courting Caricom, but we gotta ask the question posed to the Pope by Stalin when the former criticized him: “How may divisions does he have?”!! We’re wasting diplomatic capital on folks with no clout, and neglecting Brazil – our giant neighbour on our southern flank who has excess clout!! Caricom would never go beyond the meaningless platitudes they just uttered. Let’s remember those like Ralph Gonsalves, who rushed to congratulate Mad Maduro after the latter rigged the last July elections!!
With friends like him, who needs enemies?? Not us!!
…the new norm
Did you catch Trump’s address to the Joint Session of Congress? It’s traditionally quite a staid affair, thank you!! But not this time!! This is the new, re-energized Trump, who’s determined to take revenge on all those whom he feels did him in – causing him to lose the election to Sleepy Joe back in 2020. And this ain’t just the Deep State, but the entire Democratic Party!!
So, he took the opportunity to bait the Democrats in his speech – throwing them into hysterical outbursts far beyond even what they’d planned!! And they HAD planned – from paddle sticks with slogans, to black shirts with the same – exposed when coats were doffed!! Texas Democratic Congressman Al Green – no, not the soul singer who crooned “Let’s stay together” back in the early seventies – was ejected after he refused the Speaker’s admonition not to wave his walking stick!! “Nah nah nah nah, goodbye,” chanted the Republicans as Green was given the bum’s rush!!
No Mace was seized, though!!
…your enemies
The PNC of Aubrey Norton needs the hair-pulling spat between Amna and Ganesh like a hole in the head. And this might just be the hole in the head to sink the PNC in the upcoming elections!!