The Kwakwani Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) elected new members to head the body, following the hosting of elections on Wednesday. Juanita Leacock has been elected as the new Chairperson, while Carl Liverpool was elected as Vice Chairman. Following the elections, Leacock said she was proud to be elected to the post and called on the rest of the elected members and the community to work together in an effort to move the community forward.
“Our functions only begins after we are sworn in, which will be at a later date set
New Chairperson, Juanita Leacock and new Vice Chairman Carl Liverpool
by the Minister. Today (Wednesday) marks another remarkable achievement, not only for us Councillors Carl Liverpool, Sharmella Sulker Thomas, Maleka Russell, Charles Thom, Faye Navarro Rodriguez and yours truly, but for Kwakwani at large. The task ahead of us is great, and no one-man team can accomplish this. Much is expected from us, but we ask only for one thing and that is Kwakwani team work.”
Leacock added that transparency and inclusiveness are high on the agenda for the newly elected officials as they work towards community development.
According to the new Chairperson, development of the community is dependent on the efforts of “Councillors, community leaders, groups and all other members of our community near and far. Transparency and inclusiveness is our aim, as we believe that the more people know, the more they understand and can appreciate and with more people involved more can be accomplished because each person has their own ideas, opinion, skill, experience and understanding.”
“We cannot promise that we will be able to please everyone, nor can we say we will be able to achieve all that you expect us to achieve or that we hope to achieve within the year 2018, but we can promise you that we will work to the best of our ability to get as much work done and complete until our time is up and pave the way for long-term development,” she added.
Merna Adrian had previously served as Chairperson while Kelvin Daly had served as Vice Chairman of the Kwakwani NDC.