Kwakwani residents worried after pets found dead, allegedly beheaded by jaguar

Farmers within the vicinity of the Kwakwani Airstrip and Jonestown, Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Berbice), are now fearful for their lives following a recent daylight attack on their dogs by what is suspected to be a jaguar.
According to Ann Logan, a farmer residing at the airstrip for some two years, her three pet dogs – which she loved dearly – have died in the most gruesome manner.
The incident occurred on Monday when no one was at home.
“My neighbour heard them dogs making noise after 8am on Monday morning but did not take it for anything,” the farmer related.
Logan said when she returned home later that day, she saw two of her dogs motionless while the other was beheaded. Logan said when she made checks around the area, she observed what appears to be jaguar footprints in the ground.
Meanwhile, a farmer of Jonestown, “Sandra”, said shortly after moving to the area along with her family, her dog was killed in her house. She believes her pet’s demise was caused by a jaguar.
The farmers are pleading with the authorities to patrol the areas more occasionally and to further aid in their efforts to protect their farms from wildlife.
“The area is desolate and we need some form of protection, it already came once and it can come again,” Sandra said. “We will be happy if the Police can make frequent visits to the area and advise us as farmers on the way forward in accessing firearms licences,” Logan noted.