Labour atrocities being committed against oil sector workers – GAWU

The Guyana Agricultural and General Workers’ Union’s (GAWU) oil and gas branch through its public statements, outreaches, and social media activities has continued to engage workers who are employed by several enterprises in the sector on a regular basis.
As such, through interaction, it was pointed out that though these workers are employed by different companies, they face almost identical challenges and confront harsh measures and draconian policies.
“It jarred our minds back to era of the sugar plantocracy where workers were seen as expendable commodities. For the GAWU, this is a worrisome development and portends that possibly even more unfair conditions could be advanced in the future. It reminds us of the age-old adage that not all that glitters is really gold,” GAWU said in a statement on Friday.
According to GAWU, it recently engaged workers who were terminated by a well-known enterprise in the sector. “Our review of the documents shared revealed to us even when they were unceremoniously shown the door seemingly attempts were made to cheat them out of their due entitlements.”
GAWU added that it has since written the entity in question to ensure workers’ rights are respected and that their entitlements are properly settled. The Union said, “It was disheartening enough for workers to receive the axe apparently for expressing concerns regarding their conditions of work. But it is rubbing salt in the wound to apparently shortchange them on their benefits.”
GAWU noted that it is disturbed and astonished to recognise an enterprise telling workers on confirmation they received an increase in salary. It also said the truth is that the workers’ basic pay declined though the company may argue a non-taxable allowance was added to their salaries.
“Be that as it may, the workers basic pay went down and that is undeniable. Our Union holds that the altering of employment terms cannot be done at someone’s whims and fancies. Though workers may sign on receipt of their confirmation letters, we believe it is unholy for such sneaky measures to be pursued to reduce an employee’s salary. Moreover, in the absence of proper review, we do not believe that attempt to reduce an employee’s basic pay could stand,” the missive added.

“Many workers have expressed feelings of being cheated. They shared on their recruitment they were regaled with stories of significant earnings, high-quality jobs, and good job prospects. They were told that big opportunities awaited them in the sector, and they could have meaningfully improved their well-being and lives. With such succulent talk, the workers said they were wooed and without hesitation took up training opportunities with the hope of making a better tomorrow for themselves and their families.”
“Their high enthusiasm caused them to sign their contract without so much as a second glance. Alas, the talk grand promises of flowing milk and honey gave way to reality. This they said was a cold and rude awakening. It is reminiscent of the days of the indentured servants being told to come and fan sugar canes in British Guiana.”
GAWU further added that the workers pointed out while their salaries appear appropriate, it is hardly compensatory for the long hours of work they must endure. They were very disturbed that foreigners appeared to be getting significantly enhanced conditions compared to them though they undertake similar jobs, GAWU said, adding that the workers pointed out that they can execute certain tasks as well as foreigners, yet they are denied equal pay.
“The sector’s employees we have engaged said they are puzzled as to why is it they cannot be treated more fairly. The workers could not help but wonder whether it is that the owners were out to make super profits off their efforts and sweat. The GAWU has heard unofficially that many enterprises are handsomely paid for the service they provide. Yet rather than sharing some of the bounties with their employees they apparently choose to enjoy the niceties of life while throwing a few crumbs to the workers,” GAWU noted.
The Union highlighted that the situation the oil sector workers in our country face is not new and that it has happened before in the sugar industry when the owner class together with local collaborators denied workers a fair and just reward for their labour.
“It was a harsh period for the workers and profound change was only realised when the workers stood together to demand and win real and lasting change. Certainly, in the oil sector, the workers’ collectivism is important if they are to win out in their just demands.”
The GAWU believes its considerable experience in championing workers’ rights is very much needed and it remains committed to advancing the rights and conditions of the Guyanese working-class. It is therefore encouraging workers to reach out to the Union.