Labour Department monitoring non-payment of NIS, PAYE
City Hall’s financial woes
In light of the recent complaints which surfaced in relation to City Hall’s non-payment of National Insurance Scheme (NIS) and Pay As You Earn (PAYE) deductions owed to the relevant agencies, the Social Protection Ministry’s Labour Department has announced that it is currently monitoring the situation.
This was related to Guyana Times by Chief Labour Officer Charles Ogle during an interview.
“We are monitoring the situation. We had a tripartite meeting (at) which the NIS General Manager indicated (the issue); that’s how we know. We wrote them (City Hall) and they responded, (so) we are monitoring it all the time. We continuously
Chief Labour Officer Charles Ogle
continue to monitor the City Hall,” he related.
Ogle informed he is aware of a payment plan the M&CC have arranged with the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) and NIS to ensure the dues are paid.
“They have a payment plan for the Union dues, the NIS (and all) the different things with the different agencies (like) the GRA,” the Chief Labour Officer pointed out.
According to him, the agencies would have agreed to the payment plan, since City Hall “does not have the money”.
Questioned if the Department would take any action against City Hall if it continues along the line of failing to pay the dues, Ogle said, “What actions could we take? There is a shortage, or a lack of funds, or whatever; so they have an agreement with these agencies to pay as soon as they get the monies.”
Workers in different departments of the Mayor and City Council took to the streets on August 20 as they protested the non-payment of their dues and several other issues.
According to them, the Union dues and even NIS deductions were made from their salaries, but whenever they visit the NIS, they were being told that their payments are not up to date, which results in them being unable to be financial compensated
City Hall
when sick or in need of glasses, etcetera.
“Them ain’t paying the money! So when people sick, they can’t go for nothing. The people sayin, ‘Go back to Council’, cause Council not payin the money,” a worker in the Drainage and Engineering Department told this publication.
He added that nonpayment of the workers’ salaries is becoming very frustrating, especially at this time of year, when parents are expected to buy school supplies for their children.
Recardo Grant, another worker, said the workers have been promised that deductions made from their salaries would accordingly be remitted to the relevant agencies, but this has not been happening.
“No NIS money have been paying for we, (and) no back pay… They only promising we…is long this man (King) deh pun this thing. We can’t eat promises; I can’t carry promises to the market,” Grant stated.