Ganesh Ramanand, also known as “Tractor”, a labourer from Queenstown Village, Essequibo Coast, was on Tuesday slapped with a wounding and threatening language charge.
Ramanand made his first court appearance before Magistrate Sunil Scarce at the Anna Regina Magistrate’s Court where he was charged for threatening his mother, Dhanpat Pitam and wounding his father Ramanand Pirtam. He pleaded guilty to both charges.
It is alleged that on April 16, 2016, at Queenstown Village, he unlawfully and maliciously wounded Ramanand Pirtam. Pirtam is 80 years old.
The Prosecution’s case stated that the labourer took a piece of wood and hit his father to his right hand causing injuries to his finger.
He pleaded guilty to the offence and was fined $30,000 or an alternative of six weeks imprisonment. The second charge alleged that on May 21, he threatened to kill his mother, Dhanpat Pitam.
He has previous convictions where he was jailed in the past for similar offences against his parents.
For the threatening language charge, he was fined $15,000 or an alternative of two weeks imprisonment.