Labourer remanded for unlawfully wounding 75-year-old farmer
Remanded: Lytton Daniels
Lytton Daniels, a 51-year-old labourer from Kanaballi Village, Santa Cruz, North West District, Region One (Barima-Waini) was remanded to prison after being charged with unlawfully wounding a 75-year-old farmer.
Daniels appeared before Magistrate Ravindra Mohabir on Friday at the Acquero Magistrate’s Court, where he was charged with unlawfully wounding Russell Baptist, a farmer from the same village. The incident reportedly occurred on Wednesday.
Daniels pleaded not guilty to the charge, which falls under Section 50 of the Criminal Law (Offences) Act, Chapter 8:01. After hearing the case, Magistrate Mohabir ordered that Daniels be remanded to prison. The case has been postponed until October 8, 2024, when statements are expected to be presented.
The court’s decision comes as the investigation continues into the circumstances surrounding an altercation between the two men.