A labourer found himself before Senior Magistrate Fabayo Azore on Wednesday morning after he reportedly carried out a daring robbery at Albert Street, Georgetown.
Gary Thomas, 23, of Lot 15 Cummings Park, Georgetown, denied that while being armed with a pair of scissors, he robbed Yasad Seoram of his mobile phone, wallet, driver’s licence and $19,700 in cash. The incident reportedly took place on August 13, 2018.
Thomas told the court in his denial of the incident that he was walking along Albert
Gary Thomas been escorted by police
Street towards the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPHC) when he was stopped by a Police Officer and searched.
He added that he told the officer that he was headed to see his mother who was hospitalised and as such, was sent on his way.
However, while walking, the defendant related that he saw a crowd and enquired what had happened and at that time, he was told that a man was attacked and robbed.
He told Magistrate Azore that moments after that, he was surrounded by a group of men who began to assault him, claiming that he was the man who carried out the robbery.
As such, he proceeded to the Police Station where he reported the matter but was subsequently held and told that he was being charged for the said robbery.
Police Prosecutor Warren Thornhill had no objections to bail being granted but requested that it be set at a substantial amount.
Bail was granted in the sum of $50,000 and Thomas was ordered to report to the Ruimveldt Police Station on a weekly basis. He is expected to return to court on September 26.