Labourer slapped with narco- trafficking charge

Adeijhia Wright

Adeijhia Wright, a 20-year-old labourer of Second Street Grove, East Bank Demerara, has been remanded to prison after appearing virtually on Wednesday before acting Chief Magistrate Faith McGusty at the Diamond/Golden Grove Magistrate’s Court to answer a charge of possession of narcotics.
Wright faces a charge which alleges that at approximately 13:15h on Wednesday, ranks from the Grove Police Station were conducting patrol duties in the vicinity of Grove Back Street when they observed a man acting suspiciously as he carried a bulky black plastic bag in his right hand.
The individual, later identified as Wright, was intercepted, questioned and searched, and a quantity of leaves, seeds and stems suspected to be cannabis were allegedly found on his person. Wright was allegedly informed that police had found him in possession of narcotics, and was cautioned and taken into custody.

The ganja allegedly found in Wright’s possession

Escorted to the Grove Police Station, the suspected narcotic was weighed in his presence and confirmed to be 940 grams. Wright was then taken into custody as the police continued their investigations.
Unrepresented by legal counsel, Wright pleaded not guilty to the charge in his arraignment before the magistrate, and the prosecutor objected to his being placed on bail by telling the court that the narcotic was found in his possession.
When Magistrate McGusty asked Wright if he had anything to say in response, he remained silent. He was thus remanded to prison until March 25th.