Lack of furniture, leaking roofs exposed at Linden schools
A recent visit by regional officials to numerous schools in Linden, Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Berbice) has unearthed several pertinent issues which need to be resolved. The group of officials consisting Regional Chairman Renis Morian; Regional Vice Chairman Elroy Adolph; Regional Education Officer Marcia Paddy-Andrews; Councillor, Dr Gregory Harris; and Regional Education Committee Chairman Denise Belgrave, visited St Aidan’s and Christiansburg Primary and Harmony Secondary schools where the issues were highlighted.
The wood which was placed to secure a classroom wall at the Christiansburg Primary School
At Harmony Secondary, located at Wismar, Linden, the officials were met with issues ranging from the lack of basic furniture, leaking roofs and electrical issues (exposed electrical wires). There were also classrooms without electricity supply. It was also noted that the Regional Democratic Council (RDC) would be reviewing contracts at the school due to several issues with contractors.
Other issues which were brought to the fore during the visit were the need for desks and benches. It was also noted that the school’s Home Economics laboratory is in dire need of sewing machines, since the sewing machines have malfunctioned. There were also gas cylinders which need to be refilled.
Over at the Christiansburg Primary and St Aidan’s Primary School, which are housed together in the same building, different issues were highlighted. At St Aidan’s Primary, a cleaner complained about the situation regarding improper drainage system of the washrooms.
“I could get infection at any time in that building. It’s not healthy,” the cleaner pointed out to officials. Furthermore, a teacher attached to the Christiansburg Primary school highlighted that the wall in her classroom is shaking and is presently being supported by a piece of wood which had been strategically placed by handymen. The teacher further voiced her opinion regarding the presence of dilapidated furniture in the classroom as well as dysfunctional door and cupboard locks. She noted that as a result of this issue, her classroom was ransacked. During the visit, the Regional Chairman further sought to provide encouragement to students to work hard and stay in school. The RDC also pledged to provide first aid kits to the schools and presented several school bags to students during the visit. (Utamu Belle)