Lack of staff, medical supplies hinder operations at Skeldon Hospital

Skeldon Hospital

A shortage of medical staff compounded with a lack of critical medical supplies at the Skeldon Hospital is hindering the delivery of proper healthcare to citizens along the Upper Corentyne, Berbice.
This phenomenon was brought to light at the statutory meeting of the Regional Democratic Council (RDC) of Region Six last week.
The meeting heard that there is no medical supervision during the night shifts at the medical facility, thus leaving those in charge in a state of frustration since their numerous complaints have fallen upon deaf ears.
Regional Councillor Shurla Scott stated that it was not the first time she raised the matter at the level of the RDC but nothing has been done nor is a solution imminent.
“I remember standing here enquiring about Skeldon Hospital as it relates to staffing and this Council was informed that there was enough staffing at the Skeldon Hospital. I was there for four nights and during the mornings and visiting hours, I saw two Guyanese and two Cuban doctors attending to patients,” Scott related.
This has resulted in voluntary transfers of patients to the New Amsterdam Hospital in order to be given some form of treatment. This prompted her to engage the Ward Sister, who expressed her dismay at the lack of medical staff and supplies.
“When I spoke with her, she told me that she was frustrated because nothing was being done. All of the reports that are coming from Skeldon to the region are falling on deaf ears; shortages of staff – nurses, shortages of doctors… The patient was expected to have medication at 6:00h that morning, I was there and the patient received her medication until 9:00h. When I intervened, the patient was transferred,” the Councillor stated.
However, it took four fours to move the patient after all of the preparatory work was done even though the ambulance was available, Scott related. Scott told the RDC that one of the doctors at the medical facility had threatened to resign out of frustration.
Regional Chairman David Armogan while acknowledging the challenges faced at the institution, related that following an intervention, the doctor had reconsidered resigning.
“He told us that he will give us until the end of the year,” he informed the RDC. “I know there are issues relating to staffing for which the Ministry is looking at the moment. Imagine we have to beg somebody to just hold on. I think they have issues with nurses because a lot of nurses are leaving and that is public knowledge; a lot of them are going to other places to work,” Armogan stated.
However, Scott noted that she was informed that the doctor who has responsibility for health centres in the region was asked to look into the operations at the Skeldon Hospital.
“I made a call and I spoke to her; She confirmed the exact information I received from the sister in charge, the doctor who wanted to resign and all of the staff at Skeldon Hospital – all of the reports are falling on deaf ears at the regional level. I believe that, because I had the opportunity as well to speak with a medical executive of this region that shares the very frustration as it related to the Skeldon Hospital.”
She said Skeldon is being referred to as the “death house of Region Six”.
According to Armogan, currently, the Health Ministry is trying to address the issue of staffing. He added that similar concerns were also received from the New Amsterdam Hospital.