Large quantity of cloth found blocking Charlestown sewer lines

…GWI urges residents not to flush cloth down toilets

The Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) has found a large amount of cloth blocking sewer lines in the Georgetown ward of Charlestown; and this is mainly in the area of George and Princes Streets, Georgetown.
The GWI has said its maintenance team has been removing from the sewers clumps of cloth which have been causing blockages and other sewerage issues. The team has found itself working around the clock to ensure that the sewers are cleared and functioning properly.

A quantity of cloth has been found blocking the sewage line in the Georgetown ward of Charlestown

Sanitation Manager Rensforde Joseph has said, “The cloth that has been causing the blockages is likely from people flushing it down the toilet.”
He surmised that residents of the area are possibly flushing cloth down the toilets, and he is urging them to instead use another method to dispose of cloth and any other material that is non-biodegradable.
GWI has said in a social media post: “We are urging residents to dispose of cloth and other non-biodegradable materials properly, and not to flush them down the toilet. The GWI Sewerage Maintenance Team is committed to ensuring that the sewer lines in the Charlestown area and around Georgetown are functioning properly. They are urging residents to report any issues with the sewer lines to them, so that they can be addressed promptly”. (G2)