Dear Editor,
One of the things that remain a mind-boggling nightmare for most civil Guyanese is the frequent, unconstrained, unbridled level of lawlessness in this country. There is flagrant disregard for law and order by some individuals who seem to thrive on chaos and confusion. When such individuals are allowed to perpetuate their lawlessness within earshot or stone’s throw of institutions that represent law and order, or are seemingly ignored by those who should maintain law and order, it clearly reveals the great mess we find ourselves in as a nation.
The Turkeyen Police Station, on the easternmost boundary of Georgetown, sits about 100 feet from the junction of upper Dennis Street, D Field Road and University of Guyana access road in South Turkeyen. That junction sees the convergence of motorists primarily from southern and eastern Georgetown, and is an active bypass for some East Coast motorists heading into the city or unto the East Bank. It also routes persons to the nearby Forensic Laboratory, UG, Cyril Potter College of Education, Caricom Secretariat and the Giftland Mall. However, there are no traffic lights at that junction. There is invariably no (Traffic) Police presence too, particularly at peak hours. Route 48 minibuses plying the D Field Sophia/Cummings Lodge communities make that junction a playfield for their competitive hounding of passengers. They routinely stop directly at, on, and around the junction, often creating traffic chaos. Those chaotic minibuses are complimented by the double-parking and obstructive taxis from a nearby taxi base and wash bay located on Dennis Street two buildings West of the junction.
All of this is taking place daily within 100 feet of the Turkeyen Police Station.
That junction is made popular too by the famous “Red Shop”. The Red Shop sits directly on the junction at the eastern end of Dennis Street. When open, the operator of that shop places seats and tables on the roadway to accommodate his patrons, adding to the congestion and chaos, particularly on weekends.
Again, all of this takes place within 100 feet of the Turkeyen Police Station, where any Police rank can stand at its gate and shout to the Operator of the Red Shop to order some beverages or meals.
This is just one of the places in Georgetown Guyana, two years after its citizens electing new national and local representatives, where chaos continues. Perhaps those representatives should consider taking tours of that section of the city at varying hours to observe for themselves the realities on the ground. I trust too, that anticipated changes within the Guyana Police Force will result in the type of capacity building, awareness, and action on their part to tackle the abovementioned public disorder and traffic situation.
With best regards,
Orette Cutting