Lax safety practices will continue to result in injuries, deaths

Dear Editor,
Another workplace accident at a wharf, with strands of similarity of another accident in the workplace (wharf) a while ago, when an off-duty employee was killed.
In this current case, it has to be wondered why the deceased employee was riding his bicycle in the work area.
It has to be reasoned that this might not have been the first time the employee had done this; only, this time, he did it with deadly consequences.
It also has to be wondered how cognizant the operator of the machine/equipment was of the goings-on in the area in which he was operating.
Both parties had equal responsibility to observe safety practices in the work environment. Sadly, this was not the case.
Too often, employees in these work environments take chances unnoticed by other employees, with a tangible lack of diligence and observation. These chances can be deemed reckless and careless. Now that a life has been lost, due diligence and investigations will now take hold. Now protocols will be reviewed and revised, where and as necessary. Too late shall be the cry.
Workplace accidents are too frequent, and speak of a poor understanding of safety and health practices in the work environment. This must be stamped out, or lax safety and health practices on work sites would continue to result in injuries and deaths, the brunt of which grieving families and loved ones would continue to bear.
I extend condolences to family members and colleagues of the deceased.

Shamshun Mohamed