Dear Editor,
It is in times of crisis where we see the true nature of our leaders. The crisis caused by the coronavirus has given us the opportunity to see the type of leader Dr Irfaan Ali will be.
All across the world leaders of countries have been regularly briefing their respective nations as to the current situation in the country and steps are being taken to combat the virus. The exception, however, is Guyana. David Granger has been mostly absent as this crisis continues to deepen. President-elect Irfaan Ali, in contrast, has been readily accessible to the nation. He is constantly on television and Facebook reassuring a traumatised nation. He is leading a multi-stakeholder task force that is not only providing strategies to deal with the crisis, but also planning and strategising for the post-coronavirus era, which is critical to bringing the nation back to normalcy.
Just Saturday, April 4, 2020, Dr Ali and a team were out distributing masks to the public as they attempted to fill the void left by the coalition.
It is through this crisis that we are granted a window to view what a Dr Ali Government will be. We already can see that it will be proactive and that it will put the interest of the citizens first. We are anxious for this Administration to be in place. The sooner it is the better it will be for us all.
With regards,
Sherwyn Greaves