Leguan road in deplorable state

Dear Editor,
I am writing out of concern about a problematic issue that continues to affect the residents of Leguan for a number of years. I am referring to contractors who are awarded sea defence work on the island. These contractors in a very unscrupulous manner would damage infrastructure work on the island example roads, bridges and dams and leave without fixing them.
To my understanding a provisional sum is given to them to effect repairs to any damages that may occur during the course of their work. I would like to state clearly that at the end of the work the contractors in a subtle way would usually pack up their equipment and leave the island without effecting any repairs to the damages they would have caused. Such actions are causing hardship on the residents to traverse the road.
I therefore call on the relevant authorities to ensure that these contractors do not get away with such barbaric actions.
We are grateful for the sea defence works being done, but I think it is time for the engineer, the sea defence board and the Ministry of Public Infrastructure to ensure that the principles governing these contractors are implemented.
They should play a pivotal role in ensuring that the contractors abide by all rules and regulations as they strive to secure the sea defences.
These contractors must be held accountable for damages they are causing to the island.

Yours sincerely,
Inshan Ayube
Vice Chairman
Region 3