Less than 100 of over 700 QC students attended school on Monday
School bomb/shooting threats
…as School of the Nations heightens security
By Rupadai Seenarine
Fearful for their children’s lives, many parents on Monday refrained from sending their children to Queen’s College and to the Bishops’ High School on Monday after threats of shooting and bombing were made against the school on Friday last.
Guyana Times understands that both schools saw a reduced attendance on Monday.
A Police officer stands outside of the School of the Nations security checkpoint
Students who were present throughout the day at Queen’s College indicated that of an average 700 population at the school, less than 100 students turned up for classes.
The position not to send their children to school was taken by parents even though security was beefed up at the schools.
At Queen’s College, additional security was provided by the Guyana Police Force (GPF) at both entrances, the head teacher’s quarters, in front of the school and in the vicinity of the drive-thru. Both gates remained closed during the instructional period and the gates were manned by security guards who checked persons as they entered.
When this publication contacted the administration of Queen’s College about the poor attendance, the teachers were adamant that the attendance was normal. However, this is a far cry from what the several students at the school told this publication. The school’s administration confirmed that increased security measures were requested and implemented over the weekend.
Public Relations Officer of the Education Ministry Ephraim Haley stated that a visit was made to the schools and while there were Police officers at the gates, he did not inquire about the decrease in population and further disclosed that no reports were made in that regard.
Vehicles waiting for security checks before entering Queen’s College compound
School of Nations
Meanwhile, over at School of Nations, a new security hut was constructed. There, students were scanned and bags are to be searched for any illegal items upon entry.
Last Friday, Queens College and the Bishops’ High School were on lockdown after social media accounts created on Whatsapp, Facebook and Instagram, which were reportedly sending threats to Nations, gave a bomb scare to Queens College while threatening to shoot the Bishops’ High School.
Parents were not allowed to enter the premises but forced to wait outside until classes were dismissed. As customary, they would utilise the Thomas Road entrance to collect their kids. This was blocked, and vehicles were not allowed to enter.
At the Bishops’ High School, there was a similar scenario as students waited inside the premises until their parents arrived.
Meanwhile, at Nations, parents met with security officials and the school’s administration for another meeting on security measures that were implemented ever since it’s Director, Dr Brian O’Toole was shot at his home on Sunday evening.
The Professional Guard Services was engaged to provide baton services at the institution and it was disclosed that a lockdown situation was more likely to be adopted.
On Monday, officers carried out basic security searches on students before they entered the compound.