Dear Editor,
As a patriotic Guyanese I am morally obligated to speak out against anything that is intended to distort the facts as they relate to Mashramani or against anyone who peddles mischief to discourage any participation in our Mashramani activities.
I have noted with deep concern that some people have descended so low that they will stop at nothing to try to prevent us from enjoying what is ours – Mashramani, which is our biggest celebration.
I have been attending cricket matches since in the late 60s when this popular game was being played at the famous Bourda Ground. It was amazing to see people from all walks of life, age, sex, ethnicity, political affiliation or religious persuasion coming together in love and unity to support the West Indies team. The “oneness” could have been felt. Spectators put aside their differences and together supported the team from the Caribbean. The atmosphere was indeed electrifying as the cricket fans shouted to the top of their voices in support of their team, the majority, of course for the West Indies.
That same unity and togetherness that was displayed during those cricket matches can and should be displayed during our Mashramani celebrations, for “Mash” is ours. Sad to say, however, this is not the case. Some people are bent on being not subtly, but blatantly mischievous. They are trying desperately to dampen the spirit of those who are gullible. They are distorting the facts. Why dwell on the route for the costume and float parade when this has already been settled with the extension of the route.
Stakeholders have come on board and are all ready to make Mashramani 2017 a big success. The Children’s Poetry and Dance competitions and Float Parade were dazzling, the calypso competition was terrific and a big success; the chutney competition was delightful and the steel pan competition was pulsating. The atmosphere is buzzing with excitement.
The Flag Raising ceremony that is scheduled to begin at 20:00h on Wednesday, February 22, and the Costume and Float Parade, set for the following day, promises to be very entertaining and will be unforgettable to many.
I am looking forward to these two events.
Do not listen to the naysayers, but instead, let us celebrate Mash 2017 with “Liberty, Dignity and Greater Unity.”
“Mash in Guyana. People going crazy.” Crazy for a cause.
HF Meusa