Home Letters Let us cooperate to build the Cooperative Republic of Guyana
Dear Editor,
In the media, the Government is asking for viable options for the closed estates. We have already seen the despair and negative economic impact of this large-scale retrenchment of workers — such as has never been seen in our country, or at least in my lifetime.
Also, I had read in one of the print media that the Agriculture Minister, during his 2018 Budget contribution, said that with the closure of the estates in 2017 and the research, restructuring, and other efficiency changes, yields for 2018 would be up by some 48%.
Thus I expect that with these changes GuySuCo should be returned to profitability sooner rather than later.
I am maintaining that these terminations have nothing to do with the losses GuySuCo is incurring, but more with the closure of the sugar industry to weaken the political base of the PPP/C. Nevertheless, as the Government is saying it would welcome viable options, we should present options for the closed estates, and thus the saving of the industry.
I am a believer in the old proverb ‘where there is a will there is a way’. If the Government is willing, I am sure the workers would find the way to remain producers, rather than a burden on anyone.
I would like to see the closed estates handed over to the workers, and within the following parameters:
* The estates be handed over to the workers and the Government take a commensurate percentage of the company
* Government make a loan of US$8 million available to the new company with a 5-year moratorium on payments to the Government
* The workers put half of their severance in the new company, with bonds or shares for their contributions
* The workers hire a competent management team
* That GuySuCo be mandated to buy the production from these estates for at least five years
* Government compensate the new sugar entity for maintaining drainage and other infrastructure works which are not solely for cane production.
This may sound simplistic; however, it is the start of ideas for work towards the preservation of jobs, the preservation of the industry, and the creation of wealth. The potential for such an option could be unlimited. It could be the start of a fully integrated, worker-led, private ownership in the sugar sector.
Yours sincerely,
Manzoor Nadir