Let us proceed with this trial, swiftly and condignly

Dear Editor,
The long-awaited Elections fraud case has finally begun, it marks the final chapter of a colossal fraud perpetrated on the people of this country. We waited and watched for five long months while opposition forces at GECOM tried to steal an entire country by falsifying voting results for that election. That fraud group led by Mingo and Lowenfeild openly manufactured votes to forge a win for the APNU/AFC Coalition; it was a blatant act of rigging.
Results tallied from the official SOPs of all ten regions showed that The Coalition had lost the elections and The PPP/C were the clear winners, it was at this point that the complexity of the verification changed. Region 4, a stronghold of the PNC, became the focal point of the rigging crew. This region became the epicenter of their shenanigans. They began inserting fraudulent votes in favour of The Coalition while discarding those of the PPP/C. They fiddled around with figures that revealed a clear path to swing the results that would bring a particular outcome, that is, a win for The PNC Led Coalition. It was only after the intervention of the apex court, that brought an end to this sordid affair.
The fraud trial is a pretty simple case to adjudicate, with the pointed questions being, where did those figures that Mingo and Lowenfield declared, come from? Certainly, they did not originate from the standard SOPs. Further, whose signature is on the declaration, or who was the authorized signer of the document of declaration, was it GECOM’s Chairwoman or some impostor posing as the chairwoman? These are the questions the defense team would have to measure up to, rather than waste the court’s time with an endless plethora of nonsensical objections.
If one objects to a statement made, that objection has to be because the witness is misleading the court, or trying to introduce an extraneous item, contrary to the case at hand. However, this is not the case, instead, we see a diabolical plan to bog down the case or throw it into disarray; the defense is on a delaying tactic trend. In either scenario, the magistrate, should not allow her court to be reduced into a circus. We must have a judicial process that is free and fair to both prosecution and defense, we want a trial that would bring perpetrators of fraud to a speedy end, and let a nation breathe the fresh air of free and fair elections.
Once again, on this emancipation, we can celebrate that we will be emancipated, free from the shackles of rigging.

Neil Adams