Let’s be real …on oil

The Government has made our country’s policy on oil production crystal clear from the beginning: we’re gonna pump the black gold as fast (and furious!!) as is possible!! Drill, baby, drill!! And why not?? As last week’s decision by the rich G20 countries reminded us, they’re gonna keep on using fossil fuel for decades into the future. That’s the fact, Jack – don’t let anyone tell you differently!! Can you remember all the grand promises they’ve made at the TWENTY-SEVENTH COPS since 1992??? Well, in case you forgot, not a SINGLE one of them was fulfilled by the biggest transgressors. And that’s the way the (oil) cookie’s gonna continue to crumble, buddy!!
And somebody’s gonna be supplying that market, no matter who sez what!! So, what should we do with our 13 billion barrels of oil?? Leave our oil under the Atlantic to let others make windfall profits – while we suck salt and remain a poverty-stricken country where half our population lives on less than $1000 daily??
Which is barely enough to buy a veggie fried rice, but no sweet drink to wash it down!! Ah…what the heck!! Your Eyewitness just doesn’t get the kind of thinking that demands we sacrifice our first chance to live in dignity after four hundred years of slavery and indentureship. During that time, the countries we wanna be like used THEIR fossil fuels and – more to the point – ours – to attain luxurious lifestyles!! We were like kids with our noses pressed on shop windows looking in at their ostentatious debauchery.
Do these woke folks who wanna halt our oil production really believe the countries that did the most damage to bring on global warming have the responsibility to make it right?? Or even stop their own oil production?? Why hasn’t any of them stepped up to the crease to make us that offer we just can’t refuse – for the lost “opportunity cost” being proposed?? The problem with these “oil leavers” is they aren’t living that life of barely hanging onto their sanity by their fingernails. And that’s so even though they have a word for that condition – precarity!! This just allows them to ignore us, who experience it by ignoring the wages of “poverty”, which is a slow, lingering death.
What the “oil leavers” should be doing is pursuing the suggestion by Global Witness that the circumstances surrounding the oil contract gotta be investigated. Have you ever wondered why there’s been that studied silence on that suggestion?? They’ve let the fella who signed away our birthright get away with murder – even though he wrote a book exposing the contradictions of the PNC’s official line

…on Cricket
You don’t have to be reminded, dear reader, that your Eyewitness wears his cricket mania on his sleeves. “What do they know of cricket that only cricket knows?” asked CLR James. For us West Indians, we know its influence goes way “beyond the boundary”, and indeed permeates our very soul. Your Eyewitness is skeptical of the loyalty of anyone who claims to be” West Indian” but isn’t besotted by cricket. In all its glorious contradictions!
We gotta thank the rain gods for the second Test with India being drawn…and while there was no grand turnaround, at least we weren’t grossly humiliated. Interestingly, the biggest story was off, and not on, the cricket field. And this was about our wicketkeeper Da Silva’s mother giving Kohli a hug and congratulating him on his century after a drought. It shows our West Indian love for the game, which makes us appreciate its glory even when it’s the opponent earning it!
Wish the PLAYERS could rally around the West Indies!

…on accusations
The departed ex-GT Mayor gave a disquisition on local leadership by claiming alleged failures of the VP. Being a Pandit, your Eyewitness knows, he’s not a Christian; but surely, in his scriptures, there’s an equivalent homily about taking the mote out of one’s eye??!!