Home Letters Letter raises questions about a new plot being pushed by APNU/AFC
Dear Editor,
The letter by Mr. Sherwood Lowe, printed by the Guyana Chronicle, raised a number of questions about the new plot that the APNU/AFC Coalition seems to be pushing.
Mr Sherwood Lowe spouts talk about confirming an electoral victory for the APNU/AFC Coalition – saying there should not be any waiting for the recount process to be completed. Mr Lowe was being clearly dishonest with his ramblings.
The country knows that election results from 9 of 10 Regions were accepted, and the only trouble area was Region 4; and if the APNU/AFC Coalition wanted to prove that it won Region 4, all it had to do was release its statements of poll (SoPs) to the public.
It has refused to do this until now, and even had its Commissioners at GECOM block the attempt to have GECOM release the statements of poll to all the GECOM Commissioners; not the Guyanese public, like was done in 2011, but just to the GECOM Commissioners.
If Mr. Sherwood Lowe was worried about public relations narratives about “trends and evidence in the early recount results”, then why did he not advocate support for the return of the international election observer missions? What could add more credibility to the recount process than having independent representatives from major global organisations? The answer is nothing.
Lastly, his talk about not chasing “vague evidence of PPP cheating” is so transparent. There is none. The election rigging attempt unfolded for the world to see. The only election cheating that was attempted was done by the APNU/AFC Coalition. No obfuscation will diminish this.
The APNU/AFC Coalition cannot “proactively substantiate” its claim of victory, because it did not win the 2020 Elections. This is a fact.
Erin Northe