LGC President Persaud takes the crown in 2nd Flight

… Avinash Persaud, London, Dhori, Giddings excel as well

The action on the final day of the Suriname Open did not disappoint. The Guyanese team brought their ‘A’ game and posed a formidable challenge to the Surinamese team. In the end it was Lusignan Golf Club (LGC) President Patanjilee Persaud who stood out, after claiming first place in the second flight. Avinash Persaud and Shanella London bagged second overall best gross for males and females respectively. While Sabi Dhori took second place in her flight and Eureka Giddings took the longest drive prize.

Avinash Persaud got the second best Overall Gross for males

The Guyanese contingent played with great fervor and persistence as the tournament reached its final stages.
Speaking at the end of the tournament was LGC President Persaud, who said, “You know, I would say golf has become so competitive. As for my performance I thought it was excellent. I put a lot into it. But I feel, I really feel that the challenge of the greens was much more. I’m sorry we didn’t retain the championship trophy for Flights A and C. However, I am still grateful that we were able to claim second place for those categories.”

LGC President Patanjilee Persaud claimed first place in the B Flight

Persaud also mentioned that it was sad to see the ladies not excelling to the point of catching the number one trophy. However, he noted that it was still a great tournament for both the men and the ladies.
“The tournament was lots of fun and we saw a lot of Guyanese coming out and we just want to thank Surinamese for being so hospitable,” Persaud shared.
The two days of action were nothing short of miraculous, as the Guyana contingent put their heart and soul into every stroke on the course.

Shanella London got the second best Overall Gross for females

As expected, golfers from all over, including Suriname, will participate in the GTT Guyana Open tournament at the LGC at the end of October. They will be competing against the locals, who will also be vying for glory.

The results of the tournament are as follows:

Flight A: Mike Mangal – 4th; Avinash Persaud – 5th; Vishal Dhani – 11th; Rakesh Harry – 20th; Miguel Yunes – 22nd and Andre Cummings – 23rd
Flight B: Patanjilee Persaud – 1st; Pope Emanuel London – 4th; Brian Hackett – 5th; Rohan Albert – 6th; Lakeram Ramsundar – 9th and Roy Dhori – 10th
Flight C: Carlos Adams – 3rd
Flight D: Shanella London – 3rd
Flight E: Sabi Dhori –2nd; Eureka Giddings – 3rd

Senior Category: Morris Deo – 5th

Best Overall Gross 2nd (Men) – Avinash Persaud
Best Overall Gross 2nd (Ladies) – Shanella London

Other awards:
Eureka Giddings – Longest Drive (Ladies)
Shanella London – Nearest to the Pin (Ladies)