As golf action intensifies in 2018, the executives of the Lusignan Golf Club (LGC) will tee off a club-organized Open Tournament, their second competition of the month on Saturday January 20 at the Lusignan Course.
Golf action will continue month-end much to the delight of local golfers
The one-day tourney, a follow up to last weekend’s Trophy Stall Open according to LGC President Aleem Hussain; was another method of getting players acclimatized to the greens which is still in its early rehab stages. He also pointed out that more tournaments means more practice time for the players as they look to get an early jump into form ahead of the upcoming major events.
With the club commencing an all-out remodeling project, the golfers were treated to their first competition of 2018 last weekend when Trophy Stall took honors in being the clubs first tournament sponsor of 2018.
The President confirmed that some 25 golfers have already registered for Saturday’s event, adding that a good turnout is expected including several of the country’s top contenders who will be vying for this year’s Guyana Cup Open.
Also, the LGC’s partnership with the Students of the University of Guyana will play a role on Saturday as some of the 32 registered students are expected to get a taste of real competition when they participate in the open.
Prizes up for grabs include; trophies for winners’ first to third with additional awards for Best Gross and Nearest to the Pin there to be won. Hussain meanwhile confirmed that the club’s new parking lot is under construction while upgrades on the Fairways and Greens are ongoing.
Tee off time is set for 12:30h.