LGC’s Ravi and Robert Birthday Tournament set for today
The Lusignan Golf Club (LGC) will come alive today when the Ravi and Robert Birthday Tournament is hosted in honour of Pandit Ravi (Rabindranauth Persaud) and Robert Hanoman.
Robert Hanoman
The action will tee off at 12:30pm, and the format will be Stableford format played over 18 holes. A large turnout is anticipated for a full round of golf among members and newcomers.
The prizes up for grabs are:
* Best Score
1st Place – Trophy
2nd Place – Trophy
3rd Place – Trophy
4th Place – Trophy
5th Place – Trophy
* Nearest to Flag – Hole #4
* Longest Drive – Hole #5
In a statement, Pandit Ravi has said, “The tournament is an annual feature to celebrate the birthday of Mr. Robert Hanoman and Pandit Ravi. Also, to encourage and promote golf as a major sport in Guyana.”
Pandit Ravi “Rabindranauth Persaud”
These two personalities became acquainted by golf, and have remained united by the game, which they have been playing for over 20 years. Both gentlemen have, over the years, made significant and outstanding contributions to the Lusignan Golf Club (LGC). Pandit Ravi has ensured ground improvements in addition to serving in several executive positions, and Counsel Hanoman has provided legal guidance and direction continuously, in addition to consistent and voluntary financial assistance that they both have provided by means of sponsorships and other areas of club development.
Ravindra Harry was the winner of the 2021 edition of this tournament
In the 2021 edition of this tournament, Ravindra Harry emerged victorious with 41 points.
From left are Pandit Ravi, Maxim Mangra and Robert Hanoman
All participants are advised to contact the club’s manager on the day of the tournament to collect their scorecards, pay their tournament fees, and proceed to their allocated tee boxes to begin play at 12:30pm. Once on their respective tee boxes, players must await the sounding of the horn or siren as indication to begin teeing off.
Presentation of prizes will be held at the completion of the tournament, at approximately 5:30pm.
The tournament is an annual fixture on the LGC’s official calendar of events.
All COVID-19 protocols will be in effect.