LGE candidate vows continued development at Wakenaam NDCs
“When you lie low, things will not go in your favour, but when you reach out, you get things done” were the sharp and pointed words of People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Local Government Elections (LGE) candidate Shoma Manbodh as she continued her campaign while taking part in the Diwali celebrations on Tuesday.
PPP/C Wakenaam candidate Shoma Manbodh is contesting in Constituency Seven (Meerzorg-Zeelandia)
The housewife and PPP/C organiser is contesting in the Wakenaam Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) in Region Three (Essequibo Islands-West Demerara) and expressed much confidence in her bid to return as the elected representative of Constituency Seven (Meerzorg-Zeelandia).
In an interview with Guyana Times, the islander concurred with incumbent Wakenaam Chairman Sheikh Ahmad that the condition of the roads was the main issue affecting residents. She stressed that while being part of the previous Council, several efforts were made to involve the relevant authorities responsible for road works to have the situation addressed, but to little avail.
“The most important thing in the road – we know that the NDC is not in charge of the road, but there are numerous recommendations from the NDC to the RDC (Regional Democratic Council) about the road, but there’s nothing unto now. With the koker and drainage networks, I have been there for the past three years and the NDC has been doing a great job [in that regard] and we are continuing to maintain that,” the housewife expressed.
When questioned on the major challenges affecting farmers, Manbodh pointed out that low prices continue to hinder the rice industry. Wakenaam farmers mainly cultivate rice and coconut while cattle and cash-crop farming are also done to a lesser extent. The PPP/C candidate stated that the NDC would continue to assist the farmers in getting their produce transported. To this end, she indicated that the Council would strive to ensure that the dams and all relevant infrastructure continue to function.
Manbodh told this newspaper that she opted to run for the LGE post after much encouragement as she had a passion to reach out to others. With the experience of winning the seat for Constituency Seven at the 2016 LGE, the PPP/C candidate expressed much optimism in her ability to continue working for the island.
“I ran at the last Local Government Elections and now I am going back stronger than ever. I feel that everyone has a choice of their own, and seeing that I am continuing to do my campaign and from the past three years with the work that they’ve received, I think that’s why they [residents] will continue to support me,” the candidate noted.
The PPP/C is contesting eight of the nine constituencies in the Wakenaam NDC. Guyanese across 80 Local Authority Areas (LAAs) will head to the polls on November 12, 2018.