Dear Editor,
As an avid reader of the daily newspapers, I come across many interesting, intriguing, and sometimes shocking stories that cause one to pause and ask the question: Is this for real?
One such story was captured in the Chronicle newspaper under the caption “APNU runs off successful primaries for Linden LGE candidates”, September 11, 2018.
When? Where? What time? Those are some of the questions I, as a resident of this community, would like to ask. The fact that this was done and the majority of our residents, including me, were unaware, gives an indication of several things. One, Guyana Elections Commission has done a very poor job of sensitising the people about local government elections; and, more importantly, the parties of APNU who held these primaries also failed to inform the people of the different constituencies of these so-called “successful primaries”, and the dismal turn-out is the evidence of this truth.
This community, Mr Editor, has a voting population of over 20,000 registered voters, and this article has made several interesting discoveries and revelations that cannot go unnoticed.
Firstly, Minister Valerie Patterson Yearwood is the campaign manager for the APNU in Linden. How many people before now knew of this decision? What happened to Minister Broomes, who was in charge? If there was need for a change, why were we in this community not informed? And moreover, why Minister Valerie Patterson Yearwood? Why her? Is this for a blood lineage, her sister, now her?
I ask those questions not because I have anything personal against her, but because that is a question many others, like myself, have asked. Minister Valerie is seldom in Linden due to her work commitments. Her very visible physical challenges will pose some difficulties, and quite frankly, Mr. Editor, this community needs to see new, emerging leadership. This community is tired of the same old faces, and we know them because we’ve seen them time and again. One was most recently reinstated as chairman of the Linden Hospital Board, why? Why do we keep recycling these some old people for leadership positions in Linden when we have many others?
It’s time for a change; we need new and fresh faces; we need some young and intelligent people with refreshing ideas.
Secondly, the statements the minister made when she said, “The process gave the voter population within the communities the opportunity to select who they want to represent their constituencies at the upcoming LGE”, and “she described the process as an orderly one and was most impressed with the “high voter turnout” is most astonishing. Really, minister?
I am convinced, Mr Editor, that the APNU campaign manager for Linden has been out of Linden for far too long, and is out of touch with the happenings and, moreover, the realities in this community/town.
A town with a registered voting population of over 20,000 people and the campaign manager is happy with the combined votes of the eight constituencies within the township of a mere 400 voters who participated, less than three percent (3%) of the voting population? This leaves me in a place of shock and awe.
The APNU campaign manager, the one who is in charge of a team for these important elections in her party’s strongest support base, should not be happy with such a significantly low turnout at the primaries held. She should be embarrassed, to say the least.
With less than three percent turnout rate, did the people really have an opportunity to choose their representatives?
These indicators have shown, in a major way, the quality of leadership of the APNU in Linden; the disinterest of our people/supporters, and the level of work that has to be done with the party and, most importantly, the dire need for newness of ideas and leadership in Linden and Region Ten. Leadership with the ability to enthuse and organise the people for and increased voter turnout on Election Day; and, most importantly, for a convincing victory at the polls.
At the LGE to take place weeks ahead, I will be voting, but not for the candidates who were selected and put to a three percent of the voting population to represent my interest, my constituency, and by extension my town.
Better is needed, and certainly a change must come; and these political parties contesting these polls, including the AFC and the PPP, need to come with something new, because I have heard it all before, and all of them were given a chance; and guess what, you didn’t deliver.
Is it not time for something new, something fresh? We deserve better, God knows. Linden, it’s time; be local, be vocal.
Yours faithfully,
Justice Welcome