Like… in the movies

There it was – real life imitating the movies as – your Eyewitness watched with astonishment the assassination attempt on ex-president and present Republican nominee Donald Trump, by a sniper. Hadn’t he looked at the entire “Sniper” series – Sniper (1993) · Sniper 2 (2002) · Sniper 3 (2004) · Sniper: Reloaded (2011) · Sniper: Legacy (2014) · Sniper: Ghost Shooter (2016) · Sniper: Ultimate Kill (2017) as he binged away hours of his life in front of the Boob-box?? And that was just one series – there were countless variations of the theme in other Hollywood releases.
So if there’s one thing your Eyewitness knows about US politics is that candidates should be wary about snipers. Yet here it was – one of the most divisive presidents in history in prime redneck territory – and yet a gunman’s allowed to get within 150 yards of Trump, on the roof of a building with an AR 15!! And the gunman wasn’t no expert sniper with experience in Afghanistan like in the series – but a 20-year old kid just three years outta high school!! It was only AFTER Trump was shot – luckily…VERY luckily it was just a nick to his right ear missing his brain by millimetres! – that we saw at least half a dozen secret service operatives rush to surround him with their bodies.
Then we saw police counter-snipers poised on another roof – one of them must’ve shot the sniper AFTER he had nicked Trump; killed one spectator in the stands and wounded two others!! What the heck!! In all the sniper movies, all locations – especially elevated spots -within a certain perimeter would’ve been constant under surveillance while the candidate was speaking!! These are the SOPs, dear readers – not Statements of Polls but Standard operating procedures!! What happened? Your Eyewitness is no conspiracy theorist but something here doesn’t pass the smell test!!
It’s already been announced by House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) that the House will “conduct a full investigation” into the shooting – summoning officials from the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI and the Secret Service. James Comer (R-Ky.), chair of the Oversight Committee, announced. “I have already contacted the Secret Service for a briefing and am also calling on Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle to appear for a hearing. The Oversight Committee will send a formal invitation soon.”
Trump had reversed decades of Republican cuddling of the US intelligence community and – under FBI investigation for much of his presidency – he referred to FBI agents as “scum” who “destroyed the lives of people” and branded as “rats” folks who cooperated with law enforcement. In the far-right manifesto Project 2025 these agencies are slated for major shakeups and restaffing in any future Trum presidency!!
The enemy within??

…deep sixing inquiry?
Your Eyewitness has been holding his breath waiting for the Committee of Elders – headed by Elder in Chief Hamilton “Bilal” Green – to announce their findings on the accusations made by Linden PNC stalwart Vanessa Kissoon against the new reelected PNC leader Aubrey Norton!! Since the accusation was on June 18th and the Elders stepped in to find out the TRUTH on June 20th – this means your Eyewitness (and the rest of the country??) been holding their breaths for TWENTY-FIVE days!! Your Eyewitness is afraid when these collective breaths are released, we may have another Beryl over our roofs!!
But seriously folks…the PNC Committee of Elders ain’t doing their party no favours by dragging their feet on an issue that women – who’re half of the electorate – are mightily het up about!! Old heads have been telling your Eyewitness about some similar foot dragging that took place long ago by one of the Elders and a female Minister of Education!!
History repeating??

…the world’s blind
Who woulda thought that the Israeli army would’ve been allowed with their genocidal killing wave from last October to now – with hardly a murmur from the Western leaders??
How can they preach morality to us going forward??