Residents of Lima Sands in Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam) can now breathe a sigh of relief, as their only access road, which was neglected for many years, is being rehabilitated by the Regional Administration.
Works being done on the access road
The residents claim they had pleaded with former Regional Executive Officer Dennis Jaikarran and other officials, but were given empty promises. However, a team of concerned residents met with Regional Chairman Davanand Ramdatt and Anna Regina Mayor Rajendra Prabhulall, during an outreach in the area on Thursday last, and vented their concerns. His Worship, Mayor Prabhulall, admitted that his office had not been getting any assistance from the then REO, although many promises were made. He noted that as a result, many roads, including that of Lima, had been left neglected.
Mayor of Anna Regina (3rd from left) Deputy Mayor (2nd from Left) Superintendent of Works, and Councillors
As such, Chairman Ramdatt instructed the Regional Engineer to immediately look into the complaints, and moreso the state of the road. After doing so, a grader was deployed to the area, and it has commenced work.
Lima Sands residents, especially those of the business and transportation sectors, have, over the past years, been complaining bitterly about the deplorable state of the road, which sometimes becomes impassable.
This had placed tremendous pressure on those residents who had to travel on a daily basis to the Essequibo Coast for work and to sell their produce.