The body of one of the two men, who were seen in a leaked video on Monday, allegedly raping a 15-year-old girl in Linden, Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Berbice) was recovered from the ocean at the Kitty seawall in the vicinity of Selena Resort, on Tuesday morning. Dead is 41-year-old Sherwin Apple, also known as “Yellow”.
The clothes vendor, formerly of William Street, Kitty; and Silver Town, Wismar, Linden, was found at about 09:20h lying face down in the mud. There were no marks of violence on his body but there was blood oozing from his nostrils. It is believed that he might have committed suicide by ingesting carbon tablets after the video of him went viral on Facebook.
His body was taken to the Lyken Funeral Home where it awaits a post-mortem examination. The now dead man moved back to Guyana from Antigua a few years ago.
Based on preliminary investigations, Apple reportedly went missing at about 19:00h on Monday after telling relatives that his ex-girlfriend, who happened to be a relative of the young woman in the video, leaked said video.
He reportedly further told them that the sex was consensual, and the content seen in the video was merely “role playing”.
Apple was thrown into the spotlight and had been the receiver of harsh criticism after the video showed him and the other man taking turns having sex with the young woman as she begged them to stop.
He was again seen demanding oral sex from the minor, while saying demeaning things to her as the second perpetrator recorded the ordeal.
A source close to the investigations however, told Guyana Times that the young woman and her mother turned up at a Police Station in Linden and denied that she was the person in the video.
Nevertheless, the Childcare and Protection Agency (CC&PA) and the Guyana Police Force have since launched investigations into the incident.
This publication understands that there are approximately five videos circulating of the teen and the men.
Apple, along with another man, also from Linden, was wanted by Police for questioning in relation to the incident, E Division (Linden-Kwakwani) Commander Anthony Vanderhyden confirmed on Tuesday.
Meanwhile, the other alleged perpetrator reportedly has a similar matter pending in court over a rape allegation.
Guyana Times visited family members of the deceased on Tuesday, however they offered no comment, citing they were too distraught to speak.
Family members had travelled to Georgetown on Tuesday where they positively identified Apple’s body.