Linden teen remanded on wounding, damage to property charges

Nineteen-year-old Lindener Kim Giddings was remanded to prison by Magistrate Wanda Fortune on charges of unlawful wounding and unlawful damage to property when she made a virtual appearance at the Linden Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday.
It is alleged that Giddings unlawfully wounded Shania Budburgh while at South Amelia’s Ward, Mackenzie, Linden on July 2. The prosecution is contending that the teen also maliciously damaged a Samsung Galaxy S9 cellular phone valued $189,000.
Giddings, who hails from the Blueberry Hill squatting area, Wismar, Linden denied the charges, but was remanded to prison. The case will continue on August 3, 2020. (G13)