Linden Town Week is set for April 22 to May 1, 2018, and it is expected to be bigger and better, with several new features and parties planned. Nevertheless, the organising committing is leaving no stone unturned and is already making plans for the grand launch on November 25.
With an early launch, the committee feels there will be enough time to plan for the
grand event. On launch day, the committee will be turning the sod for the erection of a “I love Linden” billboard at the Dyke opposite Kara Kara.
After the formal sod turning ceremony, the action will start with some spectacular live performances at the Linden/Georgetown Bus Park Tarmac. Performing live will be Lil Colwin, Dave Marley and Diana Chapman out of the mining town; as well as Kwasi “Ace” Edmondson and Michelle “Big Red” King among others. The Fame Band is expected to make an appearance as well.
Also gracing the stage with his energetic performance will be former Carib Soca Monarch, Jumo “Rubber Waist” Primo. Without a doubt, he will entertain to the fullest.
Remember to mark the date, its two Saturdays from today and the event is expected to be grand. The launching ceremony is sponsored by Banks DIH, GTT, the Tourism Ministry, the Linden Mayor and Town Council, BK International and Digicel, among others.