Taxpayers in Linden were afforded the opportunity to engage officials of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) on numerous tax-related matters.
The activity, held on the lawns of the Mackenzie Sports Club, came about at the behest of the Ministry of the Presidency.
“Anyone with any issue relating to the GRA would be able to have them sorted out here with us… if we are unable to finalise it at this end, we will do the necessary research and groundwork back at Head Office and provide the taxpayer with a status update,”
senior GRA official Ingrid Griffith said in an invited comment.
Accompanying Griffith were Satesh Basdeo, Manager of Integrated Regional Tax Offices, and Naresha Bobb-Semple, Manager of Tax Advisory Services who listened to the residents and provided guidance where necessary.
Shop owners who were subject to compliance checks by the GRA, during the countrywide undertaking recently, turned up at the July 15 outreach seeking advice on the way forward. The enforcement activity had identified many deficiencies where compliance was concerned, but had prompted many to take corrective action since they became knowledgeable about the relevant documents needed to obtain a shop licence. During conversations with taxpayers, Basdeo reiterated the objective of the compliance campaign which he assured was not designed to intimidate anyone.
Inquiries were also made about the Mortgage Interest Relief (MIR) facility, which targets first-time homeowners with a mortgage of no more than $30 million. Mortgagers seemed interested in the length of time between application and the relief being made available.
Advice was also provided to taxpayers seeking a Certificate of Compliance, which is now valid for six instead of three months. This new measure was adopted by the GRA with the ratification of the Governing Board after an in-depth review in response to concerns expressed by the business community. Recommended changes were also adopted in critical areas of the Authority’s operations, including a transition programme that was geared at boosting the level of service at the GRA’s Regional Integrated Tax Offices, one of which was located at Casuarina Drive, Mackenzie.