Dear Editor,
The coalition Government’s approach to addressing local governance matters is one of disruption rather than problem-solving and developmental, when one considers the treatment of legitimately elected Councils in most Local Authority Areas (LAAs). The interference and disorder created by this line of attack is one of forceful suppression, instead of working to win the confidence of citizens and residents.
The Communities Ministry has been manipulative and busy, making all efforts to control the Administration at all levels of the Local Government system.
Numerous frauds taking place in the LAAs have been reported and these must be fully investigated. The Regional Democratic Councils (RDCs) have full responsibility to monitor and over-look all financial transactions that are taking place at the Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs), in the absence of the full activation of the Local Government Commission. The overseers, tax collectors and the entire administrative staff at the NDCs are currently working under tremendous influence of the Communities Ministry .
It is indeed sad that the Minister has taken steps to minimise the monitoring role of the Councils, by removing the Council’s capacity to discipline staff. Meanwhile, administrative officers are being directed to prioritise the Ministry’s agendas against that of the Councils. Under such conditions, many administrative staff has become ‘power drunk’. This is evidenced by the now numerous occurrences across LAAs.
Recently, the Chairman of the Grove/ Diamond NDC’s Finance Committee, perused the financial records of the Council and discovered massive fraud. The seriousness of the matter cannot be understated since it is alleged that the Tax Collector and District Development Officer (DDO) from the Region Four office, are the persons who were involved in questionable transactions.
The fact that the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change sought it fit and proper to take an Overseer from Mocha to work in the office at Grove NDC’s office speaks volumes. Notwithstanding, it is the DDO from the RDC who conduct checks several times weekly at the Diamond Grove NDC’s office, to ensure that the receipts and expenditures of the NDC are properly validated. It is indeed disgusting to learn that both the DDO and the Tax collector resign abruptly and disappeared.
Many questions are not being answered and although the Police were called in, there seems to be a measure of slothfulness in dealing with the matter. However, the Police took action at the misappropriation for a much smaller sum and locked up the victim over in West Demerara and the money was re-paid. The Grove Diamond NDC’s Councilors are calling on the Auditor General Office and Local Government Commission to investigate the 21 million-dollar fraud at the NDC.
Another massive fraud occurred at the Herstelling/Little Diamond NDC and again the Overseer is the questionable person. Further, the 2016 subvention from the Government is on hold and yet to be spent. The 2017 subvention is in limbo as the region took over the tendering process for the works to be done. To date, the NDC is waiting the ‘crusher run’ to do the patching of the very bad streets and roads.
The battle over the use of subventions between NDCs and the RDC continues to lead to many frustrations as planned activities within LAAs are being influenced or stifled. The Caledonia/Good Success NDC is experiencing another glaring example of this shortcoming. This NDC use their 2016 subvention to purchase heavy-duty equipment which was received in December 2017 after a keen struggle. It is sad to know that the NDC cannot get the permission to employ an operator to date.
Further, this NDC advanced to the RDC, plans to have four community projects completed with their 2017 subventions. However, the RDC administration’s reply, informed the NDC that the money can only do two of the projects. After months of discussions and deliberations, the NDC was given the opportunity to do the four projects which they completed to the community’s satisfaction; with the same amount of money that the NDC tendered for.
It is clear that the regional officers are keen on allocating work projects at very high cost to their friends and families. The NDCs are following this weekly-view and they are now engaging us with their numerous issues. This column will continuously visit, investigate, engage the appropriate agencies; and follow-up in the interest of good governance of our Communities.
We would like to see the Local Government Commission investigating these matters.
Neil Kumar