Local sitcom “Days Like Dese” with COVID-19 theme airs nationwide

“Days Like Dese”, now a 15-minute sitcom with its main theme on the deadly COVID-19 pandemic, has begun airing on all local TV stations throughout Guyana.
A release from GEMS Theatre Productions (GTP) stated that it has found it necessary to develop these scripts with a COVID-19 message in order to help persons deal with the new pandemic that is spreading rapidly in Guyana.
Many Guyanese are ignoring the COVID-19 restrictions and guidelines and as such, the GTP believed that adding some humour to the scripts and making it entertaining will send home the messages.
“Days Like Dese” is supported in this first episode by Toolsie Persaud Ltd, Chungs Global Inc, Church’s Chicken, Infinity Gas Station, Nand Persaud & Co Ltd, NAGICO and NALICO Insurance Co Ltd and Guyana Power and Light.
Season one and two were aired in 2017 and 2018 respectively. These episodes can be viewed on YouTube.

Simone Persaud

Each episode will feature two or three main characters, filmed apart with respect to physical distancing. Filming of season three will be done mostly in open spaces.
Producer, Gem Madhoo-Nascimento will be teaming up with Sean Thompson in scripting the episodes. He will also film and edit the series.
The episode featured two of Guyana’s most popular actors, Sonia Yarde and Simone Persaud.
The original “Days Like Dese” was set in the living room of a mixed Guyanese middle-income family of good standing and moral ethics. There were children, friends, grandparents, uncles, neighbours and cousins of various income levels and living standards.

Sonia Yarde

Social cohesion was reflected deeply in the component of the extended family. Issues affecting our everyday life, for example, domestic abuse, climate change, recycling, trafficking in persons, conservation of basic everyday utilities all played a major role in the series. Education through comedy was its main focus.
Some of the main actors were Mark Kazim, Nathaya Whaul, Simone Dowding, Ron Robinson, Lavonne George, Mark Luke-Edwards, Rajan Tiwari, Simone Persaud, Kirk Jardine, Michael Ignatius, Joel Gansham, Makayah Smith, Safira Abrahim-Williams, Paul Budnah, Olivia Rodrigues and Kaylee Liverpool. Season 3 will feature most of the above actors plus others.