As of June 15, 2018, logging trucks passing through the mining town of Linden will be restricted from utilising the Winifred Gaskin Highway at Wismar, but instead will be required to utilise the alternative Block 22 “back road”, with a stop at the Wisroc junction.
Additionally, logging trucks travelling from the ‘Mines’ area will also be restricted from traversing along Casaurina Drive, Mackenzie but instead will be required to utlilise and park along the Noitgedacht back road.
The decision was made on Wednesday when regional officials met once again at the Office of the Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Berbice) Regional Democratic Council (RDC). On Wednesday, the discourse centred around additional recommendations and measures of enforcement for heavy-duty trucks in an effort to curb road fatalities and the destruction of roads within mining town. Among those who were part of the decision-making process were Minister with the Communities Ministry, Valerie Adams-Yearwood; Minister within the Natural Resources Ministry, Simona Broomes; Regional Chairman Renis Morian; the Police; Councillors; representatives of the Region 10 Loggers Association; the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC); the Region 10 Road Safety Council; the Linden Mayor and Town Council (LM&TC); and the Linden Chamber of Industry Commerce and Development. The decisions received support from the majority of the stakeholders present.
Though it was revealed that the Block 22 bypass road is presently in a deplorable state, the Regional Chairman promised that remedial works with be done and completed by June 15. He also asked that the decisions be enforced by the Police.
Present on behalf of the Guyana Police Force were Traffic Chief Ramesh Ashram and E Division (Linden-Kwakwani) Commander Anthony Vanderhyden.
According to Morian, both bypass and “back roads” are slated to be repaired to accommodate the trucks with the expectation that owners contribute to the maintenance.
He added that the Public Infrastructure Ministry will also be undertaking repairs to the roads. Concerns were also raised over the state of the Blueberry Hill “back road” which is also expected to undergo repairs.
During the meeting, Minister Broomes called on representatives of the Loggers Association to collaborate in lending support for the final decisions. Additionally, Minister Yearwood also called on various agencies to get organised in supporting the decisions which were made. “The bottom line is, we’re not here to waste time. And if we make a decision here as a group that from the 15th [June] all the trucks will use the back road, whichever agency got to do whatever got to get themselves in order,” she emphasised.
Meanwhile, the Regional Chairman added that the objective of the decisions is to save lives and restore order in the town.
Numerous officials who expressed concerns over the dangers posed by defaulting logging trucks which traverse the Linden community and the Linden-Soesdyke Highway met last month to discuss recommendations. Wednesday’s follow-up meeting also sought to include members of the Loggers Association. (Utamu Belle)