Look out for each other to ensure we all have a colourful, beautiful Holi – Pres Ali
The Guyana Government ushered in the Hindu festival of colours – Phagwah or Holi, with a grand celebration at State House, where Guyanese were urged to look out for each other so that everyone’s life is filled with joy and beauty.
Holi will be observed on Tuesday, March 7, 2023. It signifies the triumph of good over evil.
President Dr Irfaan Ali along with several Guyanese cricketers and cricket mentors at State House on Sunday
During remarks on the lawns of his official residence, President Dr Irfaan Ali noted that celebrations such as the Festival of Colours warrant us to take a look around to see that everyone is partaking and enjoying the same level of happiness from such significant occasions.
To this end, the Head of State urged persons to celebrate this Holi differently as a country and as a people.
“Holi is about the coming together of families and communities. It is about prosperity, it is about freshness, goodness [and] mercy. And I want us before we engage on Tuesday in any activity before we go to the mandirs before we go on the streets to play Holi to spend a few moments and to look around our communities, to look around within our families, to look among our friends, and to see who among those require some assistance, some help, something from you to allow them to enjoy Holi on Tuesday also.”
“And before we do anything else, let us reach out to them; let us give and let us ensure that their Holi is as colourful and beautiful as those who have a colourful and beautiful Holi. It is this very small act [but] it is these very small things that will change us not as individuals but will change us as a community and as a country [and] will allow us to see life in a different perspective, that will allow us to see the joy in a different perspective,” he stated.
According to the President, if persons looked within the immediacy of their families, then they will not experience the comprehensive joy as a community and as a country.
The Guyanese leader said he has set a personal mission to give as much as he can give back to society. He has also given a similar charge to his Cabinet Members and Members of Parliament to give as much as they can as well.
“And you do not need to give physically or financially. Give a bit more smile. Give a bit more tolerance. Give a bit more openness and if we do this, I’m convinced that Holi will continue to inspire us, occasions like these will continue to inspire us on the values and traditions that we have as a people and as a country; values and traditions that are unshakable; values and traditions that are different; values and traditions that are unique to us because of who we are as a country – six different cultures, six different people. We have the greatness of a mix of values and traditions that is second to none.
“And tonight, as we usher in Holi, let us do so in a renewed spirit of humanity. In a renewed spirit in service to each other, and a renewed spirit in uplifting each other and being a positive change, and in contributing positively to the development of our country,” Ali stated.
The Head of State further stated that his Government is committed to this process. He added too that there is a common vision amongst Guyanese who are mentally, spiritually, and psychologically aligned to see this country prosper.
“So, as we play with the colours and the colours merge together, let that merging of colours not only be something that is physically beautiful on the day of Holi but let it be a physical demonstration of how colourless we are in a very colourful world. If we can understand how colourless we are in a colourful world, we will find a greater meaning to life, and greater beauty to life. Every ounce of energy we spend on negative things and tearing each other down or pulling each other down is an ounce of energy we could have spent on something positive. Let us sacrifice only for the good of our country. Let us sacrifice only for the good of humanity…,” President Ali declared.
In Guyana, Phagwah or Holi is a religious festival observed by Hindus but is celebrated by everyone by smearing colourful powder and stained water on each other. The festival is also marked by the distribution of delicious sweetmeats to family, friends and neighbours.