Home Letters Looking forward to President taking control of sugar industry
Dear Editor,
While it may be somewhat overdue, allow me to extend hearty congratulations to President Irfaan Ali and his Government on their ascension to office after five painstaking months.
The new Government, I see, has hit the ground running, and obviously recognises the impactful damage inflicted by the Coalition.
While I am happy about these developments, as someone who is concerned about GuySuCo, it appears that not sufficient attention is being paid in this direction. I hope I am wrong, but my sources inside the Corporation are telling me that many highly paid executive pensioners remain on the job while the GuySuCo continues to slide further and further.
I look to Minister Zulfikar Mustapha, who I know has been thrown into the deep end, to pull the company out of the morass created by his predecessor.
We look forward, Mr President, to you also taking firm control of the situation and ensuring that this industry, which supports the livelihoods of so many, is not allowed to fall any further.
Yours faithfully,
Patricia Persaud