Forty-six-year-old Radha Sukwah, a domestic worker of Charity Housing Scheme, Essequibo Coast, was on Friday arraigned before Suddie Magistrate Christel Lambert on the indictable charge of manslaughter committed on 73-year-old Deonarine, also called “Russian,” on August 3rd last at his home at Grant Maria’s Delight, Lower Pomeroon River in the Essequibo.
She was placed on $400,000 bail, and the case was set for continuation on September 3, 2018.
Reports are the elderly man was shot and killed at his house on August 3, 2018. Initially, the suspect had allegedly told Police that the man was shot by an intruder who had attempted to kill him during a robbery.
However, during investigation, the detectives recognised some inconsistencies in the woman’s statements, and as such she was transported to the Major Crimes Unit at Eve Leary, Georgetown, where she was further interrogated. After a few hours of interrogation, she reportedly confessed to committing the act, claiming that she was defending herself.
In a detailed account of what had taken place, she reportedly claimed that on the night of the murder, Deonarine had collected her from her home and had taken her to his home. While there, she had made dinner and they had eaten, after which they retired to bed.
She is reported to have said that after having sexual intercourse, an argument ensued between them when she refused to have sex with him for a second time.
She allegedly told detectives the argument escalated, and the farmer armed himself with a knife and threatened to kill her if she did not comply with his request. This led to a scuffle between them, resulting in the woman being injured as she attempted to take away the weapon.
She told detectives the knife fell to the floor, and the elderly man ran to the lower flat of the house, where he collected the firearm from a secure safe and returned. She allegedly said she attempted to take away the gun, but it went off, mortally wounding the elderly man.
After the incident, she reportedly got rid of the weapon and raised an alarm, claiming that the elderly man had been shot during a robbery. The man was rushed to the Charity Hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival.