Lowenfield must come clean

Dear Editor,
The verdict is out, the SoPs must be turned over to the DPP for the commencement of prosecutorial proceedings into the malpractices of the March, 2020 General and Regional Elections. These documents, which hitherto were hidden from public view and kept as private property, would now have to be turned over to the relevant authorities for the trial to move forward.
We are now about to see the criminal trial of CEO Lowenfield, a man who thought within himself that he could have stolen an election with impunity. I am talking about one of the most barefaced acts of fraud ever to plague this country since Independence.
Now, why he attempted that feat right before the eyes of an international audience is one of the things we are going to get to the bottom of as this trial continues. One possible reason I can come up with is that Lowenfield had reasoned that he had done it in 2015, so why not do it again? This is the only rational reason that I can come up with at this stage. Maybe other reasons might emerge as the trial proceeds; however, mine still holds supreme thus far.
For five long months, numerous court cases were filed, trying to block the publication of the elections results, while The CEO kept coming up with repeated doses of fraudulent figures. These manoeuvrings can only be summed up as the manifestation of a well-thought-out plan, one of which Lowenfield thought would somehow evade public scrutiny. Well, all of that façade he was putting up will come crashing down as the trial begins.
Judging from the actions of Lowenfield, one is forced to ask the question: Why did GECOM hold an election in the first place, when the sole purpose of the CEO is to subvert it and install whomsoever he wishes? Why conduct an election when a single official can decide which party wins and which party loses? Isn’t this the sum total of what we witnessed this past year? This is the clear logic that we are faced with.
So, I must say to Lowenfield, “You have to come clean this time around”, as to why he attempted that rigging stunt of his, as well as the intellectual authors behind his fraudulent actions. Barring this, he would have a torrid time convincing a court of law, or any court for that matter, why the full brunt of the law should not be his portion. I say do not waste the court’s time, because it will only lengthen your sentencing.

Neil Adams