Lower back pain is common during pregnancy. Changing hormones, extra weight, and a shifting centre of gravity can all contribute. Stretching, wearing a support belt, or using hot packs may help.
Pregnancy can include many joyous moments, like hearing your baby’s heartbeat for the first time, or seeing it on an ultrasound screen. A fair number of aches and pains can also be involved. Experts estimate that 50% of people experience lower back pain during pregnancy or postpartum.
Many individuals experience lower back pain starting in the second trimester. This lower back pain isn’t usually a major source of concern during pregnancy, but it’s important to notify a doctor or healthcare professional if people believe that they’re going into early labour, or if it becomes severe.
Standing for a long period can increase lower back pain for 27.2% of pregnant women, one study has found; and over 40% of pregnant women in the study were able to reduce back pain by resting. While resting throughout the day can help lower back pain, nearly two-thirds of the pregnant women reported that back pain had worsened during the night.

Lower back pain during pregnancy is usually associated with:
• Hormone changes
• Shifted centre of gravity
• Extra weight 1
During pregnancy, abdominal muscles stretch and weaken, which can change a woman’s posture and put a strain on her back. Pregnancy hormones also relax the ligaments in the joints of the pelvis, and this may lead to lower back pain.

Lower back pain during pregnancy is extremely common, and may not require any further diagnosis. If the doctor is concerned about the lower back pain, or thinks it might not be pregnancy-related, the doctor may consider diagnostic imaging.
Ultrasound and MRI testing are typically safe during pregnancy, but doctors recommend them only if they believe these could answer a medical question or provide a health benefit.

If a person is experiencing lower back pain during pregnancy, try things like:
• Applying hot and cold packs to the lower back
• Wearing a supportive pregnancy belt
• Stretching frequently
• Sleeping on your left side while using supportive pillows
• Talking with a chiropractor or acupuncturist
In some cases, back pain may be due to an infection. If persons experience signs of a urinary tract infection (UTI), like a fever or bloody discharge, it’s important to let a doctor know, so that the appropriate medications can be provided.

While one may not be able to fully prevent lower back pain during pregnancy, some things people can do to minimize it and increase their comfort include:
• Tucking a small pillow behind your lower back when sitting in a chair
• avoid lifting heavy objects
• choosing shoes with good arch support that aren’t heels
• balancing weight by carrying shopping bags and other items in both hands
• focusing on good posture
• exercising regularly
Many women experience relief in lower back pain shortly after they deliver the baby, or within a few months of being postpartum.
If back pain is accompanied by a fever, pain during urination, or vaginal bleeding, it’s important to let your doctor know, since these can be signs of a UTI. It’s also important to let your doctor know if back pain feels like contractions and is accompanied by other signs of preterm labour.
Use a heating pad on your back while pregnant to help relieve some aches and pains, but avoid placing the heating pad on your abdomen.
Lower back pain may get worse at night because the expanding uterus can put pressure on the vena cava. It may help to bring relief if you sleep on your left side with one or both knees bent. Place pillows between the knees and below the belly for comfort, too.
Lower back pain is a common pregnancy symptom. It’s typically due to hormonal changes, additional weight, and a changing centre of gravity. Stretching, wearing a support belt, and using a heating pad can all help relieve your pain.
Although lower back pain is usually a typical pregnancy symptom, it’s important to let your doctor or midwife know if you believe the pain you’re experiencing is contractions, or if you’re showing other signs of labour.
Let your doctor know if your pain is severe.