Lowest rate of serious crimes in 10 years – Crime Chief

…highest cocaine seizure over same period

The year 2021 has seen a successful reduction in serious crimes committed, standing at the lowest figure recorded over a 10-year period.
Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum revealed during a press conference by the Guyana Police Force on Monday that 1700 serious crimes were committed for the year. It was recorded as the lowest, with the highest being 4204 in 2013.
During this period, the lowest number of robbery murders was recorded, with the highest being recorded in 2019. There were five execution murders, 72 disorderly, 18 domestic and 14 unknown. The murder rate, he noted, is also the third lowest. Current clear-up rate for murders is 68 per cent.

Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum

When compared to 2020, there was a 19.4 per cent decrease in serious crimes this year, moving from 2109 to 1700. A breakdown showed murders decreasing by 10.5 per cent, from 133 to 119. Robbery under arms also decreased by 29.8 per cent; larceny from person by 56.6 per cent; burglary by 36.4 per cent; break and enter and larceny by 17.2 per cent; and robbery with other instruments used by 56.6 per cent.
On the other hand, there was a rise in robbery under violence by 8.1 per cent; while rape cases increased by 55.8 per cent. There were no cases of kidnapping.
As it relates to robberies, 638 were committed for the year. This is also the lowest figure in 10 years, with the highest being 1531 in 2013.
For the month of August, 200 serious crimes were committed – the highest for 2021. It has been on the decline since then and for November thus far, 20 have been reported. statistics show that 153 robberies were committed on the streets, 100 at homes and 70 at business establishments.
From 2012 to 2021, 272 persons died as a result of gun-related crimes. Recently, a proposal was submitted to the National Security Council to have a Gun Court established in Guyana to bring down gun-related crimes.
The Crime Chief expressed concerns over youths involved in serious offences, noting that law enforcement cannot be blamed for issues which stemmed at the family level.
“We have a number of persons and these are young persons committing serious crimes. We’re speaking of murders and other serious offences. This is something that we need to address urgently. We cannot continue to lock up persons, hoping that this is going to be a solution to solve crime or to prevent crime.”
Blanhum indicated that youths are influenced by social media and “hardened” criminals, introducing them to the life of crime. However, the Force is devising plans to ensure that young persons do not come into contact with the justice system or land themselves in prison.

Narcotics and seizures
For 2021, the highest cocaine seizure was recorded, standing at 536.3 kilograms. The lowest was 2018 at 11.1 kilograms.
Through narcotics interdiction efforts, 1693 kilograms of cocaine and 34 grams of cannabis were seized at the Eugene F Correia International Airport. Some 112 fields of cannabis plants were destroyed, spanning 93.5 acres. The trend of trafficking cocaine through aircraft has continued.
As it relates to firearms, 65 were taken out of circulation when compared to 136 in 2020. An analysis showed 45 per cent originated from Brazil, followed by 34 per cent from the United States.
Within the course of one year, the prison population has moved from 1667 to 1907 inmates. Blanhum said this is a reflection of more persons being prosecuted for crimes committed.

Challenges faced by the Force in conducting their duties include repeat offenders getting bail, ranks colluding with criminals, inadequate investigators, poor quality surveillance footage and dismissed cases due to Police absence.
However, the implementation of their current strategy, which includes full company of the CCTV centre on a 24-hour system and recordings have been successfully used to prosecute criminals. Enhancements in intelligence gathering, sting operations and the deployment of resources based on spatial analyses have proved useful. Roadblocks, choke point controls, anticrime patrols, policing groups and auxiliary forces are also supporting the GPF. (G12)