
It’s clear to your Eyewitness that the West Indian politicians who showed up in St Vincent to observe the “dialogue” between Pres Ali and Mad Maduro are either completely clueless about Venezuelan politics in general – and Mad Maduro’s politics in particular — or have been “bought”. They seem to believe that “progressive” posturings of the madman mean something in terms of caring for the poor and powerless – to use one of their pet phrases!! Latin American politics and political evolution is completely different from the British “stiff upper lip” tradition, which sees politics as following the rules of cricket — where we share a cuppa with scones between bloodying each other on the field!!
Latin American politicians evolved out of the Spanish Inquisition, and its Star Chamber – where political opponents were tortured until they “saw the light”!! Let’s not forget that the Spanish Conquistadors segued directly into the mega land-owning latifundio – which replicated Europe’s feudal system far into their local 19th century “age of independence”!! So, you had the caudillo, who ruled his domain with an iron fist – and after independence, when the colonies were fissioned – ruled their countries in like manner. The “big man” politics has never been left behind – even if you call Chavez’s version “populism” or whatever!!
So, to a man like Mad Maduro, a democracy, where the “people” must be consulted on national policies or suchlike, is not only a foreign notion – but a dangerous one at that!! Jeez, since when should a caudillo ever ask the opinion of a peon?? And the same question would be asked by the peon!! So when these WI leaders – whose islands’ acreage isn’t even that of a single latifundio – think they are “friends” of Mad Maduro, they don’t appreciate that, to such a thug, there can only be friendship among equals!! Imagine, St Vincent’s population is barely 100,000, and Mad Maduro doesn’t even blink that 7,800,000 Venezuelans have fled the hell he created in a country with the LARGEST OIL RESERVES IN THE WORLD!!
Mad Maduro, then, is a ruthless dictator who’ll do whatever it takes to keep himself in power!! Here’s a man who’s hived off huge chunks of what’s left of the economy to some bigwigs in the armed forces – with no thought as to whether those scoundrels can even run a cakeshop!! Not being an army man like Chavez, he had to get their loyalty somehow, innit?? And yes, dear reader, Venezuela’s oil company PVDSA is run by a general who has a piggy bank with US$20 billion!!
So, when Mad Maduro showed up and the WI leaders all fawned over him, could it be they were salivating over the prospect of their Petrocaribe debt being written off??

Mad Maduro’s been sucking up to the Ruskies so slavishly you’d think they were lollypops!! Had you noticed Venezuela were first off the block to support Russia’s invasion of Ukraine?? And they haven’t wavered from that line since?? With both they and the Ruskies facing US and Western sanctions, the Russia-Venezuela axis goes way beyond a couple of international renegades huddling for mutual support!!
Putin has never accepted that Russia isn’t in the big leagues internationally after the end of the Cold War. Russians bear grudges to “national honour” second only to Latin American caudillos!! So, with the US using NATO to stymie Russia’s demand for lebensraum and “strategic depth” in Europe, what better way to poke Uncle Sam in the eye than through a Venezuelan proxy?! Ever since Chavez found his soulmate Putin back in the 2000s, Russia’s been arming Venezuela to the gills with drones, high tech aircraft, and other military equipment!!
Mad Maduro loves the strategy, because he can come on big and bad to the Yanks!!

…and peace
In the Argyle Declaration, Mad Maduro’s committed to keeping the Caribbean as a “zone of peace”. Now, if the man hasn’t been able to keep the peace in his own country – ever since he inherited Chavez’s job – can he start now??