Mahadeo, Gonsalves top GTM Fitness Games Challenge
Dillon Mahadeo, who continues to be in the limelight for fitness in Guyana and upcoming power lifting enthusiast Romario Gonsalves were among the top athletes on Sunday at the GTM Fitness Games Challenge which was held the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall.
The games which are series of gruelling challenges seeks to strength, speed, endurance saw the duo outclassing their opponents in the various challenges. Every athlete had a time span to complete each of the events. In event one, the athletes had box over jumps and dead lifts, 21 reps, 15 reps and 9 Reps to finish off the first event. Event two had a different series of challenges including 40 bar over burpees, 30 thrusters, 20 toes to bar, 10 snatches and 50 m lunches with the designated weight for each class.
Dillon Mahadeo competing in the box jump over and deadlifts
After the bruising pain was completed, Mahadeo won the RX event after scoring 280 points, edging out Charlie Walker (275 points) and Anis Ade Thomas (270 points). In the female category, Semonica Duke, surged to the top spot after scoring a whopping 290 points and tipping second placed Nessa Bhagwandin (285) and Shawnell Warner (280).
Meanwhile, in the scaled events, which was introduced for the first time, was decimated with absolute awe and vigour by some very calm, collective athletes, especially those from the East Coast based Life Gym.
Gym member Gonsalves, who unofficially broke the World Record in the 59kilogram (kg) class in September at the RAW National Power Lifting Championships, proved this strength and endurance yet again by winning the men’s overall scaled event. The 18 year-old top the score sheet with 200 points and left Daniel Sooklall (185) and Christopher Clarke (175) trailing in second and third respectively.
The women’s event was had much more closer competition with Delice Adonis and Tanesha Toney locked on 190 points for the top spot. However based on the rules, the winner was decided by the fastest timings of the last event.
It meant Adonis’s 10 minutes 54 seconds (10m;54s) in the 50m lunges was enough to give her the title since Toney clocked eleven minutes eight seconds (11m;8s). Commendably, Krsytsal Chanderban pulled stomach muscle in the first event (40 bar over burpees) but still managed to secure third with 180 points.
The next major event in the fitness arena will be the senior Power lifting National Championships slated for November 27.