Mahdia residents blame miners for recent flood

Mahdia experienced intense flooding last week

One week after floodwaters invaded the mining town of Mahdia, Region Eight, (Potaro-Siparuni) and inundated 25 homes, residents have held miners liable for disrupting the drainage network in the area.
<<Guyana Times>> has been informed that, every time it rains, the water would drain from the hills and exit the land via creeks in the valleys.
However, due to mining activities, the creeks are blocked, providing no pathway for the water to recede. As such, this causes an accumulation of water, which affects households in close proximity to creeks.
“Usually, miners in the creek cause blockage, and so when the rain run off the mountain, it go cause the flooding. It ain’t get enough passage for the water pass through. Mining cause blockage in most of the creek, so that’s what does really cause the flooding; but the water does normally run off in a day. It don’t normally remain,” this publication was told.

Residents are certain that if actions are taken to preserve these natural landscapes on a regular basis, the possibility of flooding would decrease.
One resident who has observed this activity, Rohan, told this publication that there has been mild rainfall throughout the past days, which has posed no major threat.
On Wednesday, regional officials had signalled intention of removing persons who reside in close proximity to creeks, especially in flood-prone areas. For this, the residents are to be engaged along with the Central Housing and Planning Authority.
The flooding reached its peak on May 23 after hours of intense rainfall. Supplies were provided to the affected families, and on Saturday, the water receded slowly. Sections of the main access road were damaged, and officials were deployed to assess the situation.
While the area is prone to flooding during the rainy season, this was the largest flash flood seen in years.
Meanwhile, it was announced by the Public Infrastructure Ministry that sections of the damaged road were fixed immediately. However, the bridge at Red and White, which had been washed away, was replaced by wooden planks until those works are executed.
Public Infrastructure Minister David Patterson had told this publication that the pathway was opened for vehicular traffic on both lanes.
Meanwhile, the Natural Resources Ministry has pledged to desalinate the creek waters to provide for easy drainage.