Major D&I works needed in Region 2 – residents

Residents living throughout Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam) are calling on the Regional Administration to clear several trenches that are clogged with overgrown bushes.
According to affected residents there are several projects that require urgent attention under the Agriculture (D&I). Those in the Charity area called for the clearing of the burial ground area, which has become a harbour for mosquitoes and other creatures.
Those affected explained that there several contacts were made with the regional administration about clearing the bushes but to date nothing has been done.
Other trenches that require clearing include the Sommerset main canal, sea defence drains from Anna Regina to La Belle Alliance, Bush Lot to Three Friends, Aberdeen to Columbia, Capoey to L’Union, Cullen to Suddie; specific areas in need of attention include JD 1, JC 1, JC 8, JC 10 and SC 4.
When contacted, Regional Chairman Devanand Ramdatt said he was awaiting feedback from Regional Executive Officer Rupert Hopkinson, with regards to maintaining the project and arranging for a meeting with key D&I stakeholders.
He further explained that, based on several consultations and meetings in various areas along the coast, residents have similar concerns.
Ramdattt added that maintenance and repairs of flap gates are needed at Good Intent, Spring Garden, Riverstown, Airy Hall (Kayman Sankar Wharf) and Adventure (Guyoil area).
Urgent maintenance and repair of kokers /sluices are also needed.
With regards the capability to facilitate the much needed works, Ramdatt disclosed that the Region’s machineries/equipment are also in need of maintenance in preparation for the upcoming rainy season. The tractor, grader, loader, excavators and mini-excavators are in need of maintenance, he elaborated.
The chairman also called for the maintenance of the pumps at Dawa and repairs of relief structures at Good Hope, Unu Creek, Riverstown, Sommerset, Anna Regina (Water Course).
Outfalls at Cozier (Sea side), Devonshire Castle, Hampton Court, Windsor Castle, Three Friends, Capoey, Taymouth Manor and Onu Creek are also in need of clearing.