Man accused of Kaieteur News grenade attack shot dead

One of the three persons accused of throwing a grenade at Kaieteur News was on Wednesday evening shot dead at a gaming shop in Georgetown.
Dead is Leroy Williams, called “Buxton”.
The 34-year-old unemployed man of D’Urban Backlands, Georgetown, was fatally shot about 19:10h on Wednesday at a hotel located at Robb and Cummings Streets, Georgetown, Police said.
It is alleged that Williams was shot by a 48-year-old security guard employed with Castle Security Service, who was armed with one 9mm Glock pistol and 17 rounds of 9mm ammunition.
According to Police, enquiries disclosed that Castle Security Service provides armed and unarmed security services to Nova Gaming, located on the lower flat of the hotel, in the gaming area called Fantasy.
Police said that another guard at the location said that about 18:30h on Wednesday, he was on duty at the front door of the gaming area when he observed Williams enter the gaming area and approach a female staff.
The guard, Police said, told investigators that an argument ensued between the female staff and Williams during which Williams held on to the female staff and attempted to snatch the chain that she was wearing around her neck.
He said that he approached Williams and in response the now-deceased man threw a glass bottle at him, which hit him on the side of his head. Williams then pulled out a knife from the waist of his pants and ‘cut’ him on his right ear, causing it to bleed, Police said.
Williams then ran out of the building while threatening to return and kill the guard and the female. The 37-year-old guard said he went to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation where he was treated by a doctor on duty and later discharged.
About 19:10h, Williams returned to the building armed with a knife in his hand and attempted to enter the building. This time he was confronted by a 48-year-old security guard, who was on duty at the front door of the building. The guard stopped him and told him he could not enter because of his violent behaviour earlier in the evening.
It was alleged by the 48-year-old guard that Williams became annoyed and rushed at him with the knife in his hand. The guard drew his firearm and discharged a round at Williams, who ran a short distance before falling onto the roadway.
He was picked up by a public-spirited person and taken to the GPHC, where he died about 20:06h while receiving treatment.
Police said that the guard has been arrested and Police have taken possession of his firearm, along with 16 rounds of 9mm ammunition, and one spent shell.
According to Police, the area was canvassed for Closed-Circuit television (CCTV) cameras, which were found and the footage will be reviewed by investigators. Several persons in the area were questioned, and written statements were obtained from them, Police said.
Investigations are continuing.
In 2016, Williams, along with Alfie Garraway of Norton Street, Lodge, Georgetown, and Janiel Howard of Turkeyen, Greater Georgetown, were all charged for unlawfully and maliciously conspiring to cause danger by way of an explosive metal device, being the grenade.
The Police had issued a wanted bulletin for Shemar Wilson, also known as “Abdue”, of Lot 43 North Sophia, Greater Georgetown and of Lot 51 West La Penitence, Georgetown in relation to the incident.
In February 2023, Wilson was gunned down in Suriname.
The live grenade was hurled at the luxury vehicle belonging to Glenn Lall on June 4, 2016 during the first night of the wake to pay last respects to deceased Assistant Editor Dale Andrews.
Persons who were at the wake recalled hearing a strange sound, but assumed that it was the sound of glass shattering. However, when a thorough check was made, the grenade was found lying next to the right tyre of Lall’s black Lexus vehicle.
The Police were summoned and the area was immediately cordoned off, while bomb experts deactivated the device.
After a review of footage from surveillance cameras, it was revealed that the grenade was thrown from a grey motor car. That vehicle was later found abandoned in the vicinity of Norton Street and Mandela Avenue, Georgetown. It had reportedly hit a woman before slamming into a utility pole in the area.
Following investigations, the men were charged.