Man allegedly confesses to killing girlfriend’s ex-partner

Arrested: Eliuge Allicock

Days after a wanted bulletin was issued, Police apprehended Eliuge Allicock in connection with the fatal stabbing of his girlfriend’s former partner, which occurred during a confrontation over the weekend.
According to the Police Headquarters, the 26-year-old miner of Hubu, Parika, East Bank Essequibo was taken into custody on Tuesday at Issano Landing, Middle Mazaruni, Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni).
Following his arrest, Allicock reportedly confessed to the crime.
Reports are that on Saturday last, Calvin Nelson, a 39-year-old miner of Bartica, was killed at around 02:30h at Honey Camp Backdam, Middle Mazaruni River.
Police reports disclosed that after the incident, a 22-year-old female cook of Tasserene village in the Middle Mazaruni River was contacted by law enforcement officers. She allegedly admitted to being in an intimate relationship with the suspect, Allicock, and revealed her prior involvement with the deceased, Calvin Nelson.

Dead: Calvin Nelson

It is alleged that the woman and Allicock were consuming alcoholic beverages and become intoxicated during a visit to Honey Camp Landing on Friday. The situation escalated when they stopped at Clive Smith’s Shop around 01:00h on Saturday, where Nelson approached her, inciting a conversation that angered Allicock. This confrontation turned physical as Allicock assaulted the female.
Nelson stepped in to intervene, leading to a fight between him and Allicock. Amidst the struggle, Allicock allegedly pulled out a knife and inflicted two stab wounds on Nelson.
Following the altercation, Nelson sought refuge at Michael Bacchus’s shop, located nearby. There, he recounted to Neville Critchlow what had happened. Critchlow, a 65-year-old construction worker, accompanied Nelson to the Issano Health Post in a vehicle, but unfortunately, Nelson was pronounced dead upon arrival. (G9)